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Listings (by Venture # and Industry):
Now featuring exclusive al berrios & co. due diligence tools: Entrepreneur Category, Business Model Innovation Ratings, and Venture Level!
Venture #: 0026, Sports/Entertainment
Venture #: 0027, Health/Wellness
Venture #: 0028, Marketing Technology
Venture #: 0029, Music/Social Networking
Venture #: 0030, Fashion apparel
Venture #: 0031, Hispanic media

Anonymous Listings
Venture #: 0026
Industry: Sports/Entertainment
CEO Bio: Promoter
Category *: visionary
Founded: 2003, Virginia.
Product: New sports league.
Innovation Rating **: i - Fills current void in market.
Level ***: 6
Seeking: $1,000,000 investment/loan (1st round)
Use of Funds: To secure rep (one of the largest independent ad agencies in the U.S.) for distribution and sponsorships.
Comments: Screener believes fundamentals are sound and concept unprecedented.
Industry Insights: n/a
Venture #: 0027
Industry: Health/Wellness (including Nutrition)
CEO Bio: World-gallivanting authority on healing and nutrition. Top ranking graduate of certification school here in U.S.
Category *: visionary
Founded: Summer 2005, New York.
Service: Wellness Lifestyle Center/Institute
Innovation Rating **: i - Business model is attempting to define and own market. Positioned to scale nationaly.
Level ***: 6
Seeking: $1 million in 2nd-round of private equity or angel financing.
Use of Funds: Scaling and growth
Comments: Irish-born, the founder has traveled to... well, where hasn't she traveled to in her exploration of health and healing? Published, affirmative, yet humble, the founder has proven to be extremely adept at educating skeptics, including screener. Screener spent over 45 hours reviewing and advising on business model with CEO, who previously successfully secured 1st-round and bridge angel financing for a new facility, staff, and marketing.
Industry Insights: Fitness
Venture #: 0028
Industry: Marketing technology
CEO Bio: 30 years in national imaging industry.
Category *: manager
Founded: Winter 2006, New York.
Service: Web-based, print ad order insertions.
Innovation Rating **: i - There has been a lot of innovation in the business of making the advertising production process a lot easier by removing some of the steps. These guys have an answer for print.
Level ***: 4
Seeking: $1,500,000 1st-round for equity (negotiable).
Use of Funds: Development and sales
Comments: Screener has not formally met management.
Industry Insights: Managing Marketing
Venture #: 0029
Industry: Music/social networking
CEO Bio: former music industry attorney, former cofounder of dot-com sold in $40 million deal.
Category *: visionary/manager
Founded: Summer 2007, New York.
Service: Virtual music clubs where visitors can view live concert webcasts, download digital file, and network with other fans for a fee.
Innovation Rating **: i - Capitalizing on trends in the music industry and online social networking.
Level ***: 4
Seeking: $2,000,000 1st round for equity (negotiable)
Use of Funds: phase 2 development of technology and securing relationships with venues.
Comments: Screener has not formally met management.
Industry Insights: Media (content)
Venture #: 0030
Industry: Fashion apparel
CEO Bio: Co-founders: designers, full-time moms; management: former marketing exec, pro-golfer.
Category *: manager
Founded: January 2007, New York.
Product: headwear for women.
Innovation Rating **: i - Addresses previously unaddressed void in market
Level ***: 5
Seeking: $750,000 for for 25% equity.
Use of Funds: Licensing, capital expenditures and working capital
Comments: Screener has not formally met management.
Industry Insights: Apparel
Venture #: 0031
Industry: Hispanic media
CEO Bio: After stint as army grunt, launched original publication in 1994.
Category *: lifestyle
Founded: 1994, New York.
Product: largest media company targeting English-speaking US-based Latino population
Innovation Rating **: n/a
Level ***: 7
Seeking: $750,000 equity investment (negotiable)
Use of Funds: growing content and advertiser opportunities both online and off.
Comments: Screener has known publisher since 2001. During this time, screener has monitored company through highs and lows. After some restructuring, refinancing, and partner buy-outs, company is poised as platform company to consolidate media niche and own space with advertisers.
Industry Insights: Media (content)

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al berrios & co. invests significantly in understanding entrepreneur behavior. Below are the explanations to the proprietary tools we've developed that we hope will enhance your evaluation of the entrepreneurial ventures featured in this Dealflow.

* "Category" refers to the category of entrepreneur a CEO is, based on an exclusive al berrios & co. analysis. (Read more). Below are the categories and how we define them. Please note that CEOs are assigned a category upon recommendation of screener:

Visionary - Full potential achieved when brainstorming and selling ideas.
Manager - Full potential achieved when planning and executing ideas.
Lifestyle - Combination of both Visionary and Manager, typically operating at medium potential.

** "Innovation Ratings" are based on al berrios & co.'s comparisons with similar known and/or unknown business models debuting or currently existing in the respective industry. In addition to product/service attributes, ratings are based on innovative financing, product/service, and/or legal/tax advantages. Ratings are as follows:

i = innovative
ii = very innovative
iii = unique

*** "Levels" are based on al berrios & co. research on entrepreneurs. Each level corresponds to a documented point in an entrepreneur's and/or entrepreneurial venture's progression. To read more about these levels, please visit our research center. Below is a shortcut:

1 - Idea's birth + consideration
2 - Resources + idea eval
3 - Business modeling + planning
4 - Seeking funding
5 - Launched
6 - Auto-pilot + Scaling
7 - Growing business w/ professional managers
8 - Institutionalization

Paid vs. Anonymous Listings
As the labels imply, an anonymous listing requests that the Dealflow process screen all inquiries prior to forwarding them to ventures. Anonymous listings are free listings.

Paid listings have paid Dealflow to reveal all pertinent information about the venture. As a result, paid listings yield higher volume of inquiries in a shorter amount of time, since Dealflow isn't functioning as an intermediary.

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