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The following engagements were selected to give you an idea as to how consulting engagements work. |
Sample Engagements |
Consumer Price Elasticity for a CPG Firm
This was when our firm was asked by a footwear manufaturer to submit our insights on intrinsic-value pricing. To assess our niche audience's perceptions and buying habits, we executed a teaser campaign to collect data in real time based on nothing more than a single image of the product At the conclusion of our engagement, among the various discoveries our team delivered was a framework for optimally pricing the product at launch and a low-cost marketing alternative to reach their target consumer. The product went on to become one of the company's most successful launches in its history.
Better ROI Benchmarks For a Beverage Firm's Media and Marketing Efforts
Initially, our client wanted to quantify results from an in-market qualitative analysis they performed of their target consumer. They wanted to interview 1,200 consumers in less than a week - without a budget. Using our unique research approach, our firm interviewed and analyzed results from a 1,400-person study - in 7 days and at a 95% cost savings from traditional research approaches. At the engagement's conclusion, our team not only confirmed our client's qualitative discoveries, but generated a model to help predict our target market's media habits to launch an extremely efficient media investment.
Developing a Strong Case for a
Cable Network's Investment in Reaching Niche Audiences
Our team spent nearly 2,000 man-hours interacting directly with over half a million GLBT consumers over 8 months to learn things about the cable consumer that were previously only known by the cable operators. Our team broke down this staggering amount of information into actionable data, allowing our client to move forward with a marketing strategy focused on social media, an execution lead by our affiliate Disperse Interactive, that ultimately led to a 47% increase in awareness of our client's programming and the subsequent launch of more GLBT programming.
a Major Metropolitan Newspaper's Growth Strategies
Ironically, the Post wasn't the only newspaper thinking about pouring more money into a dying business: competition exploded with the launch of not one, but two free dailies, bringing reader alternatives to an unprecedented 7 daily periodicals in the same (stunned) market. In order to effectively understand what the impact was on our client's market, our team began tracking sentiments in real-time. In 9 months, our efforts produced data on nearly 1 million readers, but more importantly, created a critical infrastructure on which to evaluate real-time reader trends. Our insights revealed opportunities in our client's primary distribution and marketing, which lead to actual changes in their marketing strategy. Our recommendations ultimately lead to hundreds of thousands of dollars in savings in the short term and a clearer long-term strategic alternatives to investing in new content, which were subsequently implemented 2 years later.
Banquet Venue's Strategy to Diversify Revenue
Our firm analyzed the market and developed and executed a strategy to drive increased business from corporate event planners. Research conducted by our firm revealed that our client had substantial awareness, but lacked interest due to location. A free transportation service was arranged and a highly targeted media campaign was launched.
Helping a Leading Cable Network Keep Its Most Important Clients Happy While Doing Business With Their Competitors
This was the challenge every cable network faced when telecoms entered the MSO marketplace to deliver video content to households. And so, our firm was engaged by the affiliate marketing department of one of the leading cable networks to offer advice on how to restructure their go-to-market strategy and keep everyone happy. Our team came up with a practical twist on an old sales model, assuring longer-term, mutually beneficial relationships with affiliates, which also included an immediate payoff of a 25% decrease in their costs of doing business.
Getting Teens To Love Your Wireless Brand
We polled thousands of teens across the country and was able to piece together that a well-trained, youthful and aggressive sales force was what did the trick, not price, not service, nor product. Our insights ultimately guided our client through the irrational decision framework teens utilized to make their wireless plan purchase decisions to help our client bypass spending on a very costly sales program and still counter the effects with alternative targeting strategies.
an International Non-Profit's U.S. Volunteers
We love helping kids, too, especially on as large a scale as this particular, international non-profit. So, we rolled up our sleeves and got busy interviewing dozens of stakeholders and compiling wishlists to evaluate against "industry norms". Working all summer, our team developed a volunteer lifecycle management framework that was ultimately funded and is currently helping mobilize a disparate and future community of volunteers from which our client can harvest new ideas, shift workload onto, and potentially seed and prep new markets to enter.
Making Sense of the Online Video Consumer for a Niche Cable Network
Working with our affiliate, Disperse Interactive, our team executed a broad-reaching interactive marketing campaign, from which we were able to gather data on the usage habits of 75,000 online video users between the ages of 30 to 60. Our study paralleled another internal effort to reposition the brand, so that by the time we concluded our program, the 300 million bump in impressions our affiliate delivered for our client's online video content was critical to their subsequent 33% decrease in their cost of acquisition.
Rebuilding a Record Label's Marketing Department With a Better Talent Management Model
We did that and more. Helping them look at their marketing staff in a totally different way, we were able to help them understand not only where the costs lay, but also how to restructure their organizational structure to actually get their HR efforts to contribute to the bottom line. By implementing our recommendations, our team projected cost savings of 20%-40% within 5 years. But more stunning was the 60%-100% contribution to revenue within that same timeframe directly related to the marketing department's 100% utilization internally and, in an unprecedented tactical move, externally.
Redefining the Classifieds Advertising Model More Profitably for an Iconic West Coast Newspaper
Working with their branding agency, our team reclassified all of their advertisers and advertising products in an effort to understand why advertisers were spending less, spending elsewhere, or not spending at all. To support their adsales efforts, we created an Advertising Decision Modeling Framework which pinpointed exactly what to sell and how to sell it, based on actual advertiser needs, not available ad products. Selected results included a 10-15% reduction in adsales costs and the introduction of completely new approach to adsales that was introduced to corporate siblings.
Understanding the New Consumerism Curve for a Top 10 Health Insurer
Recognizing the once-in-a-generation precipice we were on the edge of, where the next big thing could potentially influence how a whole generation of both consumers utilize and companies profit from healthcare, our team set out to do nothing less than redefine "demand". We literally reformulated it into a new "consumerism curve" and arrived at some stunning findings about the future of health insurance. What we ultimately helped our client do was consider and start building a case for wholesale changes in how they engage in sales and marketing, without any material increases in their current budgeting. In fact, every recommendation was designed to be simple and immediately actionable with current resources.
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