Event Report
International Restaurant & Food Service Show, +
+ +
By Al Berrios (contact
Al Berrios)
I was lead to believe that this was the show to be at if you're in the foodservice business. Frankly, if you're into eating, it's the show to be at. I arrived at Javits Center in NY on March 14 having regretted missing lunch. But regret soon turned to ecstasy when I realized that the Food Service Show would give out food as free samples. HA! I ate at every exhibit to the point where I couldn't eat anymore. It was a disgusting display of excess and gluttony and it was actually enjoyable.
The next day, I regretted it, of course. Some foods should just not be mixed. Although the show itself was interesting, it wasn't as high level as I expected. Sure, Senator Clinton showed up to thank NY State food processors for their hard work and appeal to businesses to use NY State processed food. And some of the top restaurateurs in the city were also in attendance. But the content of the conference was intended for the smaller food server. Smart topics like:
1) duplicating the success
of a top grossing venue at other venues (great location, smart space leasing,
trendy themes),
2) improving the productivity of your workers (training, training, training),
3) improving financial management and performance,
were key features at this event.
I unfortunately wasn't
able to attend the entire two days for the duration, but can strongly recommend
it for beginners. Overall, I'd give it three (+ + +)
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